Neovim config


  • Tutorial by TJ DeVries

Effective Neovim: Instant IDE




AI Coding Assistants

For more AI coding assitants, check this repo Awesome AI Coding.

Here are some plugins for vim/neovim.

copilot.vim 5.2k - Tabnine

TabNine Github 9.9k

Official plugin: tabnine-nvim 129

For nvim-cmp: cmp-tabnine 250

Official plugin: codeium.vim 1k

For nvim-cmp: codeium.nvim 142

  • Kite (python only)

These two products have no plugins for neovim. - CodeWhisperer (Amazon, no plugin for neovim) - Bito (no plugin for neovim)


Plugin Manager

Lazy is recommended.

Plugins List

Usage Plugins
file explorer neotree, nvimtree
auto-completion, snippets nvim-cmp, LuaSnip, friendly-snippets
file searching telescope
syntax highlighting nvim-treesitter
cheatsheet whichkey
LSP nvim-lspconfig, mason, goto-preview
comment comment.nvim
autopair nvim-autopairs
greeter alpha-nvim, startify
indent indent-blankline.nvim
terminal toggleterm.nvim
icon nvim-web-devicons
UI lualine, bufferline.nvim
git vim-fugutive, gitsigns
diag/ref/telescope/quickfix trouble.nvim
todo todo-comments.nvim
tpope vim-surround, vim-repeat, vim-sleuth
outline symbols-outline.nvim
markdown markdown-preview.nvim
scratchpad codi.vim (neovim support is still in its infancy)
motion hop.nvim (2.1k), leap.nvim (3k)
code runner sniprun
copilot copilot.lua, copilot-cmp
debug nvim-dap

Other LSP config:

  • null-ls.nvim (used by LunarVim & AstroNvim)
  • lsp-zero.nvim



My Neovim Config

Refer to Neovim Config.